quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

Há que compreender BEM a insensatez de todo e qualquer FUNDAMENTALISMO RELIGIOSO - quem conhece a obra notável de Marjane Satrapi??

Eis uma citação esclarecedora:

"The opening sequence of Marjane Satrapi's autobiographical Persepolis shows the author and her ten-year old classmates wearing the headscarf.
Extract from a Guardian profile of Marjane Satrapi:
Such small revolutions are commonplace in her home country, she says, even if we never hear of them. "Do you think, in that society, if a woman has a scarf on her head she is not rebellious?" She scoffs. "Year by year, in Iran, women show a centimetre more hair, a centimetre less scarf. In my family I am the only brown-haired one now, because everyone, under their scarf, is blonde, they have bleached their hair. They have this bright pink lipstick, and prop their breasts up as high as they can, and that is their rebellion. I once saw a girl who shaved her head and wore a big jacket so that they would think she was a man - all so she could drive her car. That was her way of not wearing a scarf on her head."
She is captivated by the irony of her family in Iran telling her, a western feminist dressed in black T-shirt, flared skirt and wedge-heeled sandals, that she looks like a nun and should wear more make-up and dress less modestly."

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

[b][color=green]Também[/color] [color=red]faz[/color] [color=blue]pipocas[/color][/b]

Anónimo disse...

#FF2400 Também faz PIPOCAS?

Desculpem la' o Spam :S

Tava a esperimentar cenas ;(


Anónimo disse...


Que porcaria.. CONSEGUI!!..

Ah, loool. isto tinha PRÉ-VISUALIZAR


Francisco ≈ disse...

spam spam spam
óh prata, nem pareces tu xD

Anónimo disse...

a tua sorte foi teres pedido desculpa porque se nao começava ja o flame :D

Anónimo disse...

Loool Miguel ;)

Opa, 'as vezes nao entendo as TAGS HTML..

Tenho de aperfeiçoar a técnica..